Permectrin CDS Pour-On Insecticide

Bayer Healthcare LLC
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Synergized and concentrated formula for use on beef cattle, dairy cattle (including lactating), sheep, lambs, horses and foals.

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Synergized and concentrated formula for use on beef cattle, dairy cattle (including lactating), sheep, lambs, horses and foals • Can be diluted for back rubber applications on cattle • Controls lice, ticks, horn flies and face flies among other listed pests • Can be used as a premise spray • Contains: Permethrin 7.4% and Piperonyl Butoxide 7.4%

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Lactating and non-lactating dairy cattle, beef cattle and calves – Controls lice, horn flies and face flies; also aids in control of horse, stable, house and black flies, mosquitoes and ticks. Controls horn flies up to 6 weeks after application.
Directions for pour-on (pour along back and down face) and ready-to-use spray (use undiluted in a mist sprayer) - For moderate fly control: Apply 1.5 ml per 100 lbs body weight, up to a maximum of 15 ml per animal; For lice and severe horn fly control: Apply 2 ml per 100 lbs body weight, up to a maximum of 20 ml per animal. Retreat as needed but not more than once every 2 weeks. For optimum lice control, 2 treatments at a 14-day interval are recommended.
Directions for back rubber use - Mix 64 ml Permectrin CDS per gallon of mineral oil. Keep rubbing device charged. Results improved by daily forced use.

Sheep and lambs – Controls sheep keds, lice and biting midges.
Directions for pour-on - For sheep keds and lice: Pour along the back. Apply 1 ml per 50 lbs body weight, up to a maximum of 12 ml per animal; for optimum control, treat all animals in flock after shearing. Retreat as needed but not more than once every 2 weeks. For optimum lice control, 2 treatments at a 14-day interval are recommended.
Directions for ready-to-use spray - For biting midges: Use undiluted in a mist sprayer. Apply 4 ml per animal to underside. Retreat as needed but not more than once every 2 weeks. For optimum lice control, 2 treatments at a 14-day interval are recommended.

Horses and foals – Controls stable, deer, horn, face and house flies, eye gnats, lice and ticks; also aids in control of horse flies, black flies and mosquitoes.
Directions for pour-on - DO NOT USE AS A POUR-ON ON FOALS. For MATURE horses only: After riding or exercise, pour 8-16 ml per animal along back and down face, carefully avoiding eyes. Retreat as needed but not more than once every 2 weeks.
Directions for wipe-on - Apply 8-16 ml; dampen applicator, rub over hair where flies congregate (legs, shoulders, neck, facial areas), carefully avoiding eyes. Retreat as needed but not more than once every 2 weeks.
Directions for ready-to-use spray - Use undiluted in a mist sprayer. After riding or exercise, apply 8-16 ml per animal, carefully avoiding eyes. Apply directly to ticks. Retreat as needed but not more than once every 2 weeks.

Horse, beef, dairy, swine, sheep and poultry premises; animal hospital pens and kennels; “outside” meat processing plants
Directions for ready-to-use spot or premise spray - Use undiluted in a mist sprayer. Apply directly to surface to leave a residual coating, paying particular attention to areas where insects crawl. 500 ml treats approximately 7,200 square feet.

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